Sunday, February 15, 2009

White: The Pure

You are a person of sublime purity, or so you like to believe yourself that way. Your personality is quite special, unmarked by others as you tend to be a keen observer of others actions. Mostly, you find yourself shying away and blending into the background, yet you know that you have much to say, as your thoughts are majestic with unwavering strength. Despite the hue of white, being the complete absence of color, you seem to hold much insight of everyone’s mistakes and find yourself dodging many problems. With these philosophical notions, you are critical of other people and in doing so, others find that they must win your approval as they figure your judgments are unquestionably fair. As a result, you make some of the strongest friendships over all the other colors as the slightest markings onto your spirit draw you closer to certain individuals, particularly purples and reds. Not being absolutely pure, you still manage to keep others in awe with your clean aura and untainted energy making you seem immutable in your decisions towards life.

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